Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Walking in the Woods

Sunday was a gorgeous day but The Princess Trio had an evening event with church so instead of hitting a trail in one of the nearby parks, we explored the woods at home. I took my new camera and played with it. We walked at random through a maze of pines, holly, some deciduous trees I didn't bother to take the time to identify, and thorns until we stopped at a stream.

The water level was up because of all the rain and snow we've had this winter; it was nice to hear the stream singing a happy melody to us. There were still patches of snow in the woods and we saw nests high up in the bare trees. Soon those nests will be hidden by green leaves. Bring on Spring!

Spring really is just around the corner; we spotted a butterfly on our little walk.

This tree near the stream caught my attention

Here's a closeup I took to test out one of the settings on the camera

Cloud accompanied us on our walk through the woods. We don't usually take cats hiking with us but he was determined to go. I was glad he didn't jump in the stream the way he jumps in the bathtub.

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